
Thursday 19 January 2012

What's your excuse?

Everyday there is a battle going on in your mind. The two sides fighting over you. One side pushes you. And the other holds you back. Most of the time, if not always, the pull is stronger than the push. I'm talking about our willpower to get our asses moving and getting the exercises we need. I say 'our' because I am also guilty on that account. 

We always complain about how out-of-shape we are and envy those who look like they've been running 5 rounds at the park every morning and lifting weights in the evening. We tell ourselves the donut that's about to go into our mouth is the most sinful thing ever and it can kill us. But guess what? Those people you envy, actually did run 5 rounds every morning and lifts wights in the evening. And the donut went down our stomach like lightning no matter what we say. Heck, we can even talk while that donut is going down our throat. 

We know theoretically that to be fit we need to exercise and eat well. We know that cardio workouts build our stamina and that weightlifting builds our muscles. We know that eating uncontrollably makes our weight..well..uncontrolled. You eat the greasiest food, you gained the greasiest fat inside your skin. We get fat basically. We know all these. We know how to get healthy and fit. 

We mentally push ourselves to eat right and workout. But that's how far the push goes, just mentally. Cause there's that other side of us, pulling us back down. We make up a gazillion excuses not to. Like I said, the pull is stronger than the push. Since the pull is always stronger, then we have to change it the other way around. Instead of pushing ourselves to workout, we should pull ourselves up to workout instead. If you think that doing it alone is hard, then get friends to help pull each other up. I did exactly that, and it worked. 

I found this video and thought I should share to motivate you. Im not saying that you must do crossfit, just exercise in general. I've used most of the excuses before. But now, I know, the only excuse i make is why I should workout. 

So what's your excuse?

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